
The Liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time, it is the font from which all her power flows.  The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy issued by the Second Vatican Council provides the call to all the Faithful for participation in liturgy and liturgical ministry. 

As such the Liturgy team aims to oversee the liturgical life of the Community by planning and organising all liturgical celebrations. The team is currently undergoing liturgical training and formation; and in due course will be sharing this knowledge with the Community so as to have greater participation of all in the Liturgy.

Members meet every second Saturday of the month at 7:00pm

The ZimCatholic Community gathers for mass at the end of each month at St Cecilia’s Church, Floreat at 3PM. This is usually followed by a shared meal and mingling. For more details please see the events page.

We also run retreats, masses and celebrations for guild feast days throughout the year. For more information regarding any of these, please contact one of our team members or the relevant guild.